Autumn 2019


A last newsletter of 2019 from the W&SCEP to wish you a wonderful and relaxing festive break, to bring you a short profile of one of the Open Fund projects awarded in Round 1, and to highlight some exciting cultural opportunities to get involved with in the new year.

News of awardees in Open Fund Round 2 will be coming soon, thank you to all the schools that applied.

See you in 2020 for an even more creative and cultural year!


Open Fund R1 project profile: 'The Diversity Project' at Holy Trinity Primary

Holy Trinity Primary in Great Cheverell, is working with five cultural partners - including Salisbury Museum, African Activities, K’Z Dance, MyBrightKite, and a local mosque - to offer dance, drumming, music, storytelling and cultural sessions to the whole school. The aim is to raise children’s awareness and understanding of different groups of people, immigration throughout the ages, and ultimately to develop tolerance and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of ethnicity and religion that make up modern Britain.

In November, a group of children from the school visited Salisbury Museum to take part in a range of activities. These included a museum fact-finding search, with clip boards and eager eyes where in addition to finding facts they were making choices about artefacts and images that they liked why. After this they had a session in the library, and then went upstairs to a Tudor Gallery where they were able to dress up as folk from the past and find out about how life would have been back then.

“The children were keen to talk and though some had enjoyed similar opportunities with their families, a few were accessing this great, local resource for the first time as the result of the project.”

Jo McMorrin, CEP Champion


Opportunity: Young writers workshop with Barney Norris

Thursday 30 January, 4pm - 6pm, Salisbury Playhouse

A fantastic opportunity for local young writers to explore their writing skills. This introductory workshop will feed the curiosity of young people who enjoy writing, providing insight, inspiring writing exercises and support. Suitable for beginners aged 12-17.

Places are FREE but must be booked in advance via the Wiltshire Creative website.


Opportunity: STEAM - Call for submissions

Wiltshire Creative are delighted to offer an opportunity for Design and Technology, Science and Art departments. This is a chance to work across different media and create new work for submission to an exhibition of young people’s work, which will run during Salisbury International Arts Festival in the summer.

This project is intended to be a fun and inventive, supporting lesson delivery and enriching the curriculum. It can be used in conjunction with events such as Science Week (British Science Week takes place between 6-15th March 2020). This is an open call for students to explore the world of automata and movement. It is an invitation to students to stretch and challenge themselves: to be creative, ambitious and innovative. This project seeks to encourage students to be inspired by a theme of movement and to produce something exciting whilst using art, science, design and technology.

If you are interested in taking part please express your interest by contacting Becky Birkett-Mills by 14th February 2020. You will need to submit a maximum of 5 pieces per class by 24th April 2020. The shortlisted pieces will be selected by a specialist panel and then displayed in Salisbury City Centre for the duration of the Festival.

Get involved in the Cultural Education Partnership

The Wiltshire & Swindon Cultural Education Partnership (W&SCEP) will be bringing more opportunities for schools to connect with and develop cultural education for their students in 2020. If your school would like to be involved in future initiatives please get in touch.


Spring 2020